The Benefits of Journaling: A Simple Guide to Getting Started

The Benefits of Journaling: A Simple Guide to Getting Started

The Benefits of Journaling: A Simple Guide to Getting Started

Why Start a Journaling Practice?

1. It’s a Release

Journaling helps you get rid of everything bottled up inside. It’s a way to clear your mind so you don’t feel overwhelmed by your thoughts. Writing them down can give you a sense of relief and freedom.

2. It’s Private

Your journal is your personal space where you can write anything without worrying about what others think. No one else has to read it unless you want them to. This privacy lets you express yourself honestly.

3. It Keeps You in the Present Moment

Writing helps you focus on what’s happening right now. It helps you understand your current feelings and experiences, giving you a clearer perspective and reducing worries about the past or future.

4. It's Great for Gratitude and Affirmations

Writing down things you’re grateful for or positive affirmations can boost your mood and mindset. It helps you truly feel and believe the positive things you write about.

5. There Are No Boundaries

You can write about anything in your journal. There are no rules, so you have the freedom to explore any thoughts or feelings. This can be very empowering and liberating.

Tips on How to Journal

  1. Take Each Day as It Comes: Write whenever you feel like it. Don’t stress about doing it every day if that feels too much.
  2. Use Prompts or Make Your Own: If you’re stuck, use journaling prompts to get started or make up your own topics to write about.
  3. Just Start Writing: Don’t overthink it. Let your thoughts flow naturally without worrying too much about what you’re writing.
  4. Ignore Spelling and Grammar: Your journal isn’t for anyone else. Don’t worry about making mistakes – just focus on getting your thoughts down.
  5. Keep Expectations Low: Don’t pressure yourself to write perfectly. The act of writing is what’s important, not the quality of the content.
  6. Find a Comfortable, Quiet Space: Write somewhere you feel safe and comfortable, away from distractions.
  7. Set Aside Unrushed Time: Choose a time when you’re not in a hurry. If you have limited time, set an alarm so you don’t keep checking the clock.
  8. Avoid Distractions: Turn off notifications on your phone while you write. This helps you stay focused and in the moment.
  9. Use a Physical Notepad: Writing by hand can feel more personal. Keep your journal in a safe place so you don’t worry about others reading it, allowing you to write more freely. However, saying that if using your phone, tablet or computer makes journaling more accessible for you, by all means - do that. 

Free 30-Day Guided Gratitude Journaling Guide

If you're interested in starting a journaling practice but don't know where to begin, email us at and we will send you a free 30-day guided gratitude journal. This is a printable document that will help you get started with prompts and tips to make the most of your journaling practice.